I attended the NSF CSSI/CyberTraining/SCIPE PI Meeting. An amazing experience and an incredible opportunity to connect with both old and new friends and learn about outstanding research. Thanks NSF!
I am invited to serve on TPC of IEEE IPCCC 2024 @Orlando, FL.
Our paper titled “Crowdsourcing Live High Definition Map via Collaborative Computation in Automotive Edge Computing” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Congrats Saraswathi Katabattula from AMAI lab won the best poster award (2 out of 41) at Spring 24 CS Demo Day!
Xiaolong was selected as one of the three recipients of the 2023 Martin D. Fraser Graduate Student Conference Travel Award, which is a merit-based accolade that supports CS PhD students at GSU with conference travel. Congratulations!
Our paper titled “Real-Time Object Substitution for Mobile Diminished Reality with Edge Computing” led by Hongyu has been accepted by SEC’ 23 Poster/Demo Track.
Our paper titled “Unveiling Energy Efficiency in Deep Learning: Measurement, Prediction, and Scoring across Edge Devices” led by Xiaolong has been accepted by The Eighth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC’ 23). SEC is a new top conference in edge computing. The acceptance rate of this year is 25.3% (18 of 71 accepted). This paper presents the first measurement study that uncovers the energy consumption characteristics of on-device deep learning across edge devices. This study results in the creation of three extensive energy datasets for edge devices, covering a wide range of kernels, state-of-the-art DNN models, and popular AI applications. Based on our datasets, we design and implement the first kernel-level energy predictors for edge devices, which achieves an average prediction accuracy of 86.2%. The datasets and code will be released soon at here. Stay tuned!
Our paper titled “FAIR: Towards Impartial Resource Allocation for Intelligent Vehicles with Automotive Edge Computing” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
Welcome on-board! Dreamers toward Ph.D.Xiaolong Tu and Hongyu Ke joined AMAI Lab as Ph.D. students.